Private Luxury Experience Day |Only Members

Private Luxury Experience Day

|Lisbon Dubai Madrid Milan Monte-Carlo New-York Oporto Paris São Paulo|

Purilia Private and Exclusive Experience

An unforgettable tailor-made experience awaits you at the Purilia Day.

Chef’s signature menu and unlimited french bubbly

Private and Exclusive Experiences

*Cocktail *Luxury Sport Car *Showroom with best designers and brands *Chef’s signature menu *unlimited french bubbly *helicopter flying

For any inquiries or booking kindly contact our Reservation Team.


+351 91 551 05 32


Purilia Connecting The World’s Most Interesting People

We offer excellent conditions, including all confidentiality. You will have access to a luxurious lifestyle with all the confidentiality and security. Your safety will always be our priority. All our members are carefully selected, undergoing a rigorous selection process, being entrepreneurs, recognized personalities, public figures, celebrities.
Confidentiality is the main rule among all participants and in any of our events and/or experiences, the same will be guaranteed in writing by all participants, where they commit in writing not to disclose any information, identity or any aspect of their participation in our events, experiences, logistics and organization.To advance, you agree with this first manifesto.Please ask us for your access!

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